In the Rear View Mirror….

Sometimes it seems like we are going round and round in a circle, stuck in this never-ending rut.  I have been there, stuck in that rut for so long that it was my comfort zone.   Afraid to move in any direction because it was comfortable there.

Our comfort zone isn’t always a good place for us, but it is all we know.  There are times that we might take one foot out of the rut and go back in.  There might even be a chance that we will get totally out of the rut for a time.  Sometimes our ruts are so deep from years of repeating the same things, thinking and believing the same negative things about ourselves that we go back in.  We don’t know what to do or how to handle the outside world.

 It takes Baby Steps.  Thinking positive thoughts and believing that we are worth good things.  It took me surrendering my life to God and knowing that he is with me always.  That I am never alone and that I can do anything with him at my side.  By stepping out of that rut and trusting in the Lord, I am able to start moving toward my dreams.  I know that I may come to that fork in the road,  but I choose The Road Less Traveled.

Are you stuck in a rut?  Just step out and follow your dream.  Forging ahead and building your road, following your dreams just like the pioneers before us.

Traveling The Road Less Traveled, Oregon Smiles with Franny