Memorial Rose

With Memorial Day coming upon us, there are many we can thank and remember.  I would like to thank all of our Men and Women Soldiers stationed all over this world, that give of their lives.  Protecting and serving,  helping to keep the world a better and safer place.  They don’t know me by name, but they are willing to give it all so that I can have peace and freedom.  So Thank You for Serving!!

Grandpa Harry’s Rose

This time of year also takes me to back to years gone by.  A time to look back  and reflect about the loved ones that are not with us any longer and the legacy that they have left.  Some things may seem small, like remembering the Grandma that always made the Cookie care package at Christmas.  The other Grandmother that made the BEST Apple Pie and Potato Salad in the world.  My Grandpa Harry, or Pop as I would call him, sitting in the morning on his knee, as he sat on the old blue kitchen stool.  He would be drinking his morning coffee, before heading out to milk the cows.

My Dad drove a log truck for many, many years.  I remember riding along with him early in the mornings, watching the sun come up over the dash-board, as we bumped along the logging roads.  The smell of the fresh-cut timber,  awwww….. as good as the smell of fresh mowed grass.  Every time I smell the sap running in the warm Fir Trees, it brings back those fond memories of  those wonderful days.

Growing up on the Oregon Coast, getting up early in the morning, heading to the beach to dig for Razor Clams.  At that age, I didn’t do much digging, but I had the fun of running around on the beach, collecting whole sand dollars, drift wood and always on the lookout for the elusive Japanese Glass Float.  To this day sitting and walking on the beach, brings a calm.  It brings clarity and rejuvenate my soul.

Pop’s Rose Legacy

So many wonderful memories of the years gone by.  I am very fortunate to have one living memory still with me to this day.  It is what I call Grandpa Harry’s Rose.  It is a Rose bush moved from their farm in Knappa, Oregon to their house in Portland.  My mom had it after my grandfather passed away and now it lives at my house.  I don’t know what her official name is, but oh what a beautiful site she is.  Grandpa always said there was nothing more beautiful and perfect than the rose.  Well she is blooming again…. Oh what a beauty.  Grandpa Harry’s Memorial Rose is a legacy that I will continue to nourish,  until it’s time to pass it on to the next generation.

~Oregon Smiles with Franny, On The Road Less Traveled.

Header picture by Tracie Louise Photography.  Thank you for your beautiful work.

The Sunshine Award

Sunshine Award

Oh My Golly!!!  How Exciting!!  I have only had my blog up and running now for 1 month and to my surprise when I logged in this morning I had a notice from WP that i had achieved 9 likes in one day.  That may not sound like many, but for a newbie it is wonderful.  Then I also had a message from a blogger that I follow, I have been nominated for the Sunshine Award.  Oh My Golly!!!!

It is just so exciting, not only are people reading me, they like what they see and I am being honored for being inspirational.  Oh what a blessing.  I started this blog as a way to journal my thoughts and emotions, out here On The Road Less Traveled.  Never thinking that maybe I could make a little impact on others lives.  Wow…. thank you,  each and everyone joining me on this journey.

“This prize is awarded to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. As with all the greatest things, with honour comes responsibility, there are rules to being nominated and things I now have to do!   The rules of the Sunshine Award are as follows:

First of all I want to thank Sandy @ Wild In The Pryors for the nomination.  I found her and Alex posting a few weeks ago on Freshly Pressed and totally fell in love.  This is the ongoing story of the wild horses in the Pryor Mountains Wild Horse Range.  Thank you Sandy, your love for these animals is Sunshine in itself.

The Sunshine Award has some rules:

  • Include the award’s logo on your blog.
  • Answer some questions about yourself.
  • Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers for this award.
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
  • Share the love and link to the person who nominated you.

Questions: About Me

  1. What is your favorite color? Pink
  2. What is your favorite animal? Honu (Hawaiian for Green Sea Turtle) and Birds
  3. What is your favorite number? Actually have 2… 19 & 12
  4. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Iced Sweet Tea
  5. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter? Facebook (still fumbling around Twitter) but spend much less time there since I am here on the Blogosphere!
  6. What is your passion? Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and see the humor in all situations
  7. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Giving and watching the expression on their face… priceless
  8. What is your favorite pattern? Anything Vera Bradley
  9. What is your favorite day of the week? Sunday, it’s the Lord’s Day
  10. What is your favorite flower?  All flowers…. Scented make it even better, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Gardenia, Roses

Pay It Forward: My Nominations

1. Tracie @ Tracie Louise Photography

2. Sandy @ Wild In The Pryors

3. Daisy @ Luv and Light

4. Jake @ SundayPost

5. Michael @ Have A Dream

6. Nancy @ Living The Seasons

7. Judy @ Jay Jays Favorites

8. Not So Creative @ Not So Creative

9. Sandy @ Planetview

10. Sue @ Fractions In Time

11. Darlene @ Work The Dream

12. Anne @ Freedom Born … set Free


PLEASE Check out these sites.  I hope you find them inspirational as well.  And…. Thank you All…For your support and continuing to inspire  me through your beautiful and inspirational words, thoughts and pictures. ~Franny


~Oregon Smiles … with Franny, On The Road Less Traveled.


Photography provided by: Tracie Louise Photography

Spring Has Sprung

Oh how I love Spring and I think maybe it is getting closer to us here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.  We had snow last week, with the Daffodils and Crocus poking their little heads out of the ground, but in Oregon the weather never lacks in surprising us.  It is very unpredictable up until summer.   I remember spending many a 4th of July with it raining.  But as a Native Oregonian and growing up in Astoria on the Oregon Coast, you get used to it.

Waking up to the sun peaking its head out of the clouds, giving the neighborhood a nice glow, really gets one re-energized and makes me smile.  There is just something about the sunshine that makes you want to get outdoors and start all of those projects that you have thought about since Fall.  My goal has always been to do one major yard project each year, but for the last few years other life obstacles have taken priority and projects put on hold.

When my friend over at Luv and Light posted at the end of last year about crossing over the bridge and leaving all the old baggage behind and starting anew, that is when I knew that 2012 would be a good year.  Oh how I thank Daisy for sharing that with us.  It has given me some long-lost energy and life renewal.  Life changes and challenges have a never looked better than when that Sunshine greeted me the other morning.

So as the seasons change once again, I am dusting off those ideas, dreams and projects.  Looking forward and enjoying this Spring to come, with some old and new friends. Sharing my new-found creativeness and continuing to thank God for everything that he has given me.

~Oregon Smiles …. with Franny, On The Road Less Traveled